Expert meetings
This event will take place from the 12th to the 15th of October. During this time, you will be able to meet the following experts (more experts are to be confirmed - stay informed) by taking an appointement like B2B meetings :
- Enterprise Europe Network
- Business France
- Team France Export
- The French National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI)
- ACTIF - CCI Savoie & Occitanie
- Access2Markets
- Bpifrance
- EU Environmental Technology Verification (ETV)
More details on each of our experts below!
Enterprise Europe Network
The Enterprise Europe Network helps businesses to innovate and grow on an international scale. It is the world’s largest support network for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international ambitions. The Network is active in 69 countries worldwide. It brings together 3,000 experts from more than 600 member organisations – all renowned for their excellence in business support.
Local advisors from several countries will be present and will help you in international development, law & regulation, innovation and European funding.
Visit Enterprise Europe Network's website for more information!
Find your Entreprise Europe Network local contact point.
Business France
Business France is responsible for fostering export growth by French businesses and facilitating international investment in France. It promotes France’s companies, business image and nationwide attractiveness as an investment location. Business France prepares and helps French businesses to find commercial partners in target international markets, paving the way for them to sign trading agreements and generate sustainable export growth. Business France also runs the VIE international internship program which enables businesses to give candidates a temporary assignment of between 6 and 24 months in a foreign country. We are available to discuss your international expansion projects in the following fields :
- Environment Industry
- Renewable Energy
- Sustainable Cities
- International Organizations projects (UN, etc.) and Development Banks financing
- VIE internship program
Connect with us through the Green Days Plateform or request a meeting with one of our 20 Environment experts here
Team France Export
Team France Export has been created to help French businesses succeed abroad. Under regional management, supported by Business France, the French Chambers of Commerce and Industry and France’s public investment bank, Bpifrance, Team France Export brings together all the expertise of its founders with that of public and private key players, helping businesses to expand into the export market.
Click here to visit our website
The French National Institute of Industrial Property
The French National Institute of Industrial Property is a public institution. INPI offers expert assistance and support services to answer questions on or help with industrial property procedures. INPI also has research databases on trademarks, patents and designs/models to help answer questions on industrial property.
Click here to visit our website (in French).
ACTIF - CCI Savoie & Occitanie
Actif is a new professional marketplace dedicated to cicular economy which aim to facilitate the cooperation and exchange of resources (materials, energy, competiencies…) of industries, municipalities…in order to increase competitiveness and industrial ecology.
This solution is free of charge and was developped by the CCI network in France within the framework of the European project PITEM CLIP and ALCOTRA. This plateform is also available in Italy.
The CCI Savoie, which co-developed this project, will be present on the Green Days stand with the CCI Occitanie, manager of the platform from 12 to 15/10 and also through virtual B2B meetings. Request a meeting with them or come to GREEN DAYS satnd to further discuss about ACTIF solution.
Click here to visit our website (in French)
The European Commission has launched the Access2Markets online portal to help small and medium-sized firms trade beyond the EU’s borders. It will serve both companies that already trade internationally and those only starting to explore opportunities in foreign markets.
The European Union has a large network of trade agreements with over 70 countries and regions and is currently negotiating a raft of new deals. Access2Markets breaks this complex set of rules down into practical information so that smaller firms can have access to relevant information more easily. Concretely, Access2Markets delivers the trading conditions to import goods to the EU and to export goods to over 120 foreign markets.
The new Access2Markets portal also includes explanations, tutorials and FAQs to help new as well as experienced traders analyse the benefits of trade with each of the EU’s trading partners. It provides contact details for customs and other public authorities in EU Member States and in the EU’s trading partners. Businesses can also use the portal to contact the Commission to report trade barriers they encounter.
You will find Access2Markets informational materials on the Green Days stand and an expert will be present on October,14 to introduce the portal and answer to your questions.
Click here to visit our website.
Bpifrance - a public investment bank - is structured around:
- A holding company (Bpifrance Participations)
- A bank (Bpifrance Financement)
- An asset management company (Bpifrance Investissement)
- The French Export Credit Agency, under the French state control
It benefits from a highly protected legal status and is strictly controlled by public authorities. Fully regulated by the European Central Bank (ECB) and duly supervised by the Financial Markets Authority (AMF).
Bpifrance finances businesses from the seed phase to transfer to stock exchange listing, through loans, guarantees and equity. Bpifrance accompanies firms developing export activities, in partnership with Business France, and insures their business overseas. Bpifrance also provides support to innovation projects.
Bpifrance offers businesses the benefit of a powerful contact, on hand and able to respond eficiently. With 2 500 employees ready to serve entrepreneurs, Bpifrance has three goals:
- accompany businesses in their growth;
- prepare tomorrow’s competitiveness;
- develop an ecosystem that favours entrepreneurship
You can visit their website (in French) by clicking here.
EU Environmental Technology Verification (ETV)
EU Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) is a European Commission programme that helps technology developers to gain credibility for their environmental technologies thereby facilitating their market reach.
Technologies are verified by qualified third parties, or Verification Bodies, that use test results to assess claims about the performance and produce a Statement of Verification.
Are you a technology developer and looking for ways to make your innovation more credible on the market? Contact us!